How Many Members in Nih Grant Review Panel

On This Folio:

  • Overview
  • Kickoff Level of Review - Scientific Review Groups
    • Peer Review Roles and Meeting Overview
    • Scoring
    • Summary Statement
    • Appeals
  • Second Level Of Review - Advisory Council/Board
  • Postal service-Review


The core values of peer review bulldoze the NIH to seek the highest level of ethical standards, and class the foundation for the laws, regulations, and policies that govern the NIH peer review process. The NIH dual peer review system is mandated by statute in accordance with section 492 of the Public Wellness Service Deed and federal regulations Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer governing "Scientific Peer Review of Enquiry Grant Applications and Research and Development Contract Projects". NIH policy is intended to promote a procedure whereby grant applications submitted to the NIH are evaluated on the basis of a process that strives to be off-white, equitable, timely, and free of bias.

The outset level of review is carried out by a Scientific Review Grouping (SRG; too referred to equally study sections) composed primarily of non-federal scientists who have expertise in relevant scientific disciplines and current research areas.

The 2d level of review is performed by Institute and Eye (IC) National Advisory Councils or Boards. Councils are composed of both scientific and public representatives called for their expertise, interest, or activity in matters related to health and affliction.

Simply applications that are recommended for approval by both the SRG and the Advisory Council may be recommended for funding. Terminal funding decisions are made by the IC Directors.

Applicants can use eRA Commons to:

  • Find contact data for the assigned programme and scientific review officers
  • Find review meeting and quango coming together dates
  • Locate the priority score and summary statement after the application is reviewed

First Level of Review

Initial peer review meetings are administered past either the Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer or ane of the NIH ICs Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer with funding authority equally specified in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA). A list of CSR study sections Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer , their membership rosters, and the topics reviewed by these report sections can be found on the CSR website.  Applicants may utilise the CSR Assisted Referral Tool (Fine art) Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer to place CSR study sections that might be appropriate for review of your application.

Each FOA specifies all of the review criteria and considerations that will exist used in the evaluation of applications submitted for that FOA. Requests for Applications (RFAs) and certain Program Announcements may include additional review criteria and considerations. Other types of funding opportunities (e.g., for construction or fellowship applications) may use different review criteria and considerations (See the Review Criteria at a Glance). Unless the FOA specifies otherwise, standard NIH review procedures will be followed, including the NIH scoring system described in NOT-OD-09-024.

Peer review meetings are announced in the Federal Register Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer . The meetings are closed to the public, although some meetings may have an open session; the Federal Register provides the details of each meeting.

A. Peer Review Roles and Meeting Overview

Scientific Review Officer:

Each SRG is led by a Scientific Review Officer (SRO). The SRO is an NIH extramural staff scientist and the designated federal official responsible for ensuring that each application receives an objective and fair initial peer review, and that all applicable laws, regulations, and policies are followed.


  • Analyze the content of each application, and cheque for completeness.
  • Document and manage conflicts of interest.
  • Recruit qualified reviewers based on scientific and technical qualifications and other considerations, including:
    1. Authority in their scientific field
    2. Dedication to loftier quality, off-white, and objective reviews
    3. Ability to piece of work collegially in a grouping setting
    4. Experience in enquiry grant review
    5. Counterbalanced representation
  • Assign applications to reviewers for critique preparation and assignment of individual criterion scores.
  • Attend and oversee administrative and regulatory aspects of peer review meetings.
  • Fix summary statements for all applications reviewed.

SRG Members


  • Serves as moderator of the discussion of scientific and technical merit of the applications under review.
  • Likewise serves equally a peer reviewer for the meeting.


  • Declare Conflicts of Interest with specific applications following NIH guidance
    • For details, see the Managing Conflict of Interest in NIH Peer Review of Grants and Contracts page
  • Receive access to the grant applications approximately half dozen weeks prior to the peer review coming together.
  • Ensure they maintain the confidentiality of peer review data (See Integrity and Confidentiality in NIH Peer Review)
  • Prepare a written critique (as directed by the Scientific Review Officer) for each application assigned, based on review criteria and judgment of merit.
  • Assign a numerical score to each scored review criterion (see Review Criteria at a Glance).
  • Make recommendations concerning the scientific and technical merit of applications under review, in the form of terminal written comments and numerical scores.
  • Brand recommendations concerning protections for man subjects; inclusion of women, minorities, and children in clinical enquiry; welfare of vertebrate animals; and other areas as applicable for the application (see guidance for reviewers on Human Subjects Protection and Inclusion, Human Embryonic Stem Cells, and Vertebrate Animals).
  • Brand recommendations concerning ceremoniousness of upkeep requests (run across Budget Information for Reviewers).

Other NIH Staff

  • Federal officials who accept need-to-know or pertinent related responsibilities are permitted to nourish airtight review meetings.
  • NIH Found/Center staff or other federal staff members wishing to attend an SRG meeting must have advance approving from the responsible SRO. These individuals may provide programmatic or grants management input at the SRO's discretion.


  • Must maintain the integrity of the peer review procedure by not contacting reviewers to influence the effect of the review; not sending data direct to a reviewer; and not accessing information related to the review. There are consequences to any of these actions (Meet Integrity and Confidentiality in NIH Peer Review).

B. Peer Review Criteria and Considerations

Review Criteria for Research Grants and Cooperative Agreements (for criteria for other types of grants, like grooming grants, delight run into Review Criteria at a Glance )

The mission of the NIH is to back up science in pursuit of knowledge most the biology and behavior of living systems and to apply that knowledge to extend salubrious life and reduce illness and disability. Applications submitted in back up of the NIH mission are evaluated for scientific and technical merit through the NIH peer review organization.

Overall Touch: Reviewers will provide an overall impact score to reflect their assessment of the likelihood for the projection to exert a sustained, powerful influence on the research field(s) involved, in consideration of the following review criteria, and additional review criteria (equally applicative for the project proposed).

Scored Review Criteria

  • Significance
  • Investigator(s)
  • Innovation
  • Approach
  • Surround

Boosted Review Criteria. As applicative for the projection proposed, reviewers volition evaluate the following additional items while determining scientific and technical merit and in providing an overall impact score, but will not requite separate scores for these items.

  • Study Timeline (specific to applications involving clinical trials)
  • Protections for Human Subjects
  • Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Children
  • Vertebrate Animals
  • Biohazards
  • Resubmission
  • Renewal
  • Revision

Additional Review Considerations. Equally applicable for the project proposed, reviewers will consider each of the following items, only will non requite scores for these items and should not consider them in providing an overall impact score.

  • Applications from Strange Organizations
  • Select Amanuensis
  • Resource Sharing Plans
  • Authentication of Fundamental Biological and/or Chemical Resources
  • Budget and Period Support

C. Scoring

The NIH utilizes a 9-point rating scale (i = exceptional; nine = poor) for all applications; the same scale is used for overall bear on scores and for benchmark scores (Scoring Guidance).
Before the SRG meeting, each reviewer assigned to an application gives a separate score for each of (at least) five review criteria (i.e., Significance, Investigator(south), Innovation, Approach, and Environment for research grants and cooperative agreements; see Review Criteria at a Glance). For all applications the individual scores of the assigned reviewers and discussant(s) for these criteria are reported to the applicant.

In add-on, each reviewer assigned to an awarding gives a preliminary overall impact score for that application. In many review meetings, the preliminary scores are used to decide which applications volition be discussed in total at the meeting. For each awarding that is discussed at the meeting, a final impact score is given by each eligible committee member (without conflicts of interest) including the assigned reviewers. Each member'southward score reflects his/her evaluation of the overall bear upon that the projection is probable to have on the inquiry field(due south) involved.

The terminal overall impact score for each discussed awarding is determined past computing the mean score from all the eligible members' final touch on scores, and multiplying the average by 10; the final overall bear on score is reported on the summary statement. Thus, the terminal overall touch on scores range from 10 (high impact) through xc (low impact). Numerical impact scores are non reported for applications that are non discussed (ND), which may be reported as ++ on the face page of the summary statement and typically rank in the bottom half of the applications.

Applicants just receiving their scores or summary statements should consult our Side by side Steps page for detailed guidance. Applicants seeking advice beyond that available online may want to contact the NIH Program Official listed at the peak of the summary statement.

An application may exist designated Not Recommended for Further Consideration (NRFC) by the SRG if it lacks pregnant and substantial merit; presents serious upstanding problems in the protection of homo subjects from research risks; or presents serious ethical problems in the use of vertebrate animals, biohazards, and/or select agents. Applications designated as NRFC exercise not go on to the second level of peer review (National Informational Council/Board) because they cannot be funded.

D. Summary Statement

Applications that are not discussed at the coming together will exist given the designation "ND" (which may be reported equally ++ on the face page of the summary argument) every bit an overall impact score, but the bidder, also as NIH staff, volition come across the written comments and scores from the assigned reviewers and discussants for each of the scored review criteria equally feedback on their summary statement.

Understanding the Percentile

  • A percentile is the gauge percentage of applications that received a better overall touch score from the study section during the past year (encounter blog on Paylines, Percentiles and Success Rates Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer ).
  • For applications reviewed in advertizement hoc study sections, a different base may be used to calculate percentiles.
  • All percentiles are reported as whole numbers.
  • Only a subset of all applications receive percentiles. The types of applications that are percentiled vary across different NIH Institutes and Centers.
  • The summary statement will identify the base that was used to determine the percentile.

Due east. Appeals

NIH established a peer review entreatment system (see Non-OD-11-064) to provide investigators and bidder organizations the opportunity to seek afterthought of the initial review results if, after consideration of the summary argument, they believe the review process was flawed for reasons of either bias of a reviewer, conflict of involvement, absence of appropriate expertise, or factual errors past one or more reviewers that could have essentially altered the review outcome. This policy does not utilize to appeals of the technical evaluation of R&D contract projects through the NIH peer review process, appeals of NIH funding decisions, or appeals of decisions concerning extensions of MERIT laurels.

2d Level of Review - Advisory Quango or Board

Who Reviews the Application?

The Advisory Council/Lath of the potential awarding Found/Eye performs the 2d level of review (Meet Advisory Councils or Boards Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer folio). Advisory Councils/Boards are composed of scientists from the extramural research customs and public representatives (NIH Federal Advisory Committee Information Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer ). Members are chosen by the corresponding IC and are approved by the Department of Health and Human being Services. For certain committees, members are appointed by the President of the U.s.a..

Recommendation Process

  • NIH programme staff members examine applications and consider the overall impact scores given during the peer review process, percentile rankings (if applicable) and the summary statements in light of the Institute/Center's priorities.
  • Programme staff provide a grant-funding plan to the Informational Board/Council. Council members have access to applications and summary statements awaiting funding for that IC in that council round.
  • Council members conduct a Special Council Review of grant applications from investigators who currently receive $1 1000000 or more in directly costs of NIH funding to support Inquiry Project Grants (see Non-OD-12-140). This additional review is to make up one's mind if boosted funds should be provided to already well-supported investigators and does not represent a cap on NIH funding.
  • The Advisory Council/Board also considers the Institute/Center'south goals and needs and advises the Institute/Center managing director concerning funding decisions.
  • The Institute/Center director makes last funding decisions based on staff and Advisory Council/Lath advice.


Not Funded - Side by side Steps ?

The NIH receives thousands of applications for each application receipt round and competition for funding can be fierce. If the original application is non funded, applicants may resubmit the application, making changes that address reviewer concerns, or they may submit a new awarding. Once an bidder receives a summary statement, they are directed to information on Next Steps, and they may contact the NIH plan official assigned to their application for guidance.

Fundable Score - Next Steps?

Some of the ICs publish paylines as role of their funding strategies to guide applicants on their likelihood of receiving funding. Application scores tin can only be compared against the payline for the financial year when the application volition exist considered for funding, which is not necessarily the yr when it was submitted. At that place may be a delay of several months to determine paylines at the beginning of fiscal years. If the application is assigned to an IC that does not announce a payline, the program official listed at the summit of the summary statement may be able to provide guidance on the likelihood of funding. Afterwards the Advisory Council meeting, if an awarding results in an laurels, the applicant will be working closely with the program official of the funding Institute or Center on scientific and programmatic matters and a Grants Direction Officeholder on monetary or administrative issues. The Grants Management Specialist will contact the bidder to collect data needed to prepare the laurels.

How to Volunteer to Be a Reviewer
For those interested in volunteering on NIH review panels, please encounter:

  • Becoming a Peer Reviewer folio

Those interested in condign a reviewer for a specific NIH IC should browse the individual IC websites Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer for information on contacting SROs at the ICs.

More than Details

For more details about Peer Review, visit Peer Review Policies & Practices.


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