How Do You Send Pictures on Deviant Art Through Stash

Are yous a dA writer having some trouble with the Eclipse transition? You aren't lonely! Eclipse has changed a lot for literature submissions.

Allow's start with changes to used to accept a Etch in Author push assuasive you to write, format, and post all from one spot.  Now, you tin only upload files when in or edit documents you created via the Submit Literature selection. Uploading documents is a great option if you have a specific format or layout you want to preserve. You can upload your literature deviation every bit a pdf, downloadable dr., or an prototype file to maintain exactly the wait you've crafted.

How To Practice It:

Footstep 1: Navigate to

Click on your user icon on the upper right mitt side of your screen to view the dropdown menu and choose from the list.

Stash-1 by Zara-Arletis

Step ii: Make certain you lot've completed all your edits and formatting, then upload your file.

You lot can either drag and drop your file into the box or click Upload File here:

Stash-2 by Zara-Arletis

Y'all can also electronic mail files to your for upload. Merely click on Settings (bottom correct side of the Upload Files box), select the Electronic mail selection:

Stash-settings1 by Zara-Arletis

And if you don't like the e-mail you're assigned, yous tin can adjust the characters appearing after your username by clicking Customize Address:

Stash-settings2 by Zara-Arletis

At that place is also an FTP option - just enable information technology in your settings and so apply your favorite FTP client.

Stride 3: Locate your document:

If you clicked Upload, locate your document in your binder and click ok to identify it in If y'all emailed information technology to yourself, check your list of documents. Click on your document to open information technology.

Step 4: Suit your submission settings.

Write your title and description:

Stash-description by Zara-Arletis

Cull your content type and category:

Stash-3 by Zara-Arletis

Add together the details and tags to your literature, and be sure to mark it Mature if the content needs that. This is besides where you tin can mark a WIP as Scraps:

Stash4 by Zara-Arletis

And then set your Gallery and Group options, comment permission, licensing, and share. You tin can even select Call up Settings if y'all use the same settings for most of your deviations:

Stash5 by Zara-Arletis

Stride v: Submit to dA

You can detect the options to submit on the upper correct hand of the screen. Here, y'all can choose to Salve and Exit if yous aren't prepare to post, Schedule if you want to set the deviation to post on a specific day and time, or Submit Now to post as soon as you click the button.

***If you lot are submitting a pdf or docx you do need a preview image before you can submit. You lot tin can select an image from stash - if you don't have any visual artwork, I'd recommend a screenshot or snip of your get-go page.

Now, I know what y'all're thinking: How do nosotros write IN dA?!

The Compose in StashWriter function has moved to Submit.

How to Do it:

Step one: Click the Submit option on the upper right side of your dA profile folio.

Pace two: Scroll down until you see Literature. Click that.

Lit Submit by Zara-Arletis

Step 3: Write! Re-create/Paste! Put your text in.

Draft by Zara-Arletis

Step 4: Manner your text.

To simplify submission and make mobile conversion cleaner, at that place are fewer formatting options. Here's what you lot can do: Bold, Italics, Underline, and 3 title styles, numbered and bulleted lists, and block quotes. You can also left, center, or right adjust the text.

Litstyles by Zara-Arletis

Step 5: Click Submit when done.

This moves your submission to, where you can safely exit and have your submission saved for afterwards.

Step 6: To access it again, go to your - open the document and edit every bit you like.

If you chose the Journal selection, you can Save equally Draft.

Draft1 by Zara-Arletis

To access your Drafts and edit them, go to Posts and select Drafts.

Access DRAFT by Zara-Arletis

Step 7: Select your Draft and edit away.

Literature submissions in your tin can be shared merely as you e'er have. For Journals, no i but you can see your Draft - this means yous can't share information technology, but it also means no one can view your WIP until you officially post information technology.

Footstep 8: When you're set, submit your Lit!

Annex: How to Edit Pre-Eclipse Lit Submits

ane. Get to the deviation and click the pencil icon on the upper right corner:

Deviation Title by Zara-Arletis

2. This will take y'all to a screen that allows you to edit your clarification. Your deviation is displayed as a thumbnail in a higher place it. You should see another nifty pencil icon on the right. Click that.

Howtoeditstashshot1 by Zara-Arletis

3. Next, you will meet a menu - click Edit Text:

Howtoeditstashshot2 by Zara-Arletis

4. Now you will see your text displayed with all the html tags. Information technology isn't pretty, but it is eminently editable:

Howtoeditstashshot3 by Zara-Arletis

5. Preview and edit to your heart's content, and when done, click OK.

THE Cease (or is information technology?)

Have your own tips and tricks in Eclipse? Postal service them to the comments beneath!

You can also postal service any questions about lit submission to the comments for aid.

For concerns, recommendations, requests, or other feedback, use the Get Assist & Requite Feedback option. Y'all can find it past clicking your user icon on the upper correct side of your deviantArt page - it'due south at the bottom, just to a higher place Log Out.

Feedback by Zara-Arletis


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